Meditation offers you the ability to relax mentally and physically, and this in turn offers a wonderful opportunity to explore your inner mind, body and spirit.  We carry with us a huge amount of wisdom, and carefully crafted guided meditations enable us to access knowledge we may not have realised was available to us!

I have been offering guided meditation training and practice groups for children and adults of all ages and adore how sparking the imagination can have such an amazing effect on thoughts, feelings and physical well-being.

Depending on which package you subscribe to you may receive a downloadable:

Monthly Guided Healing Meditation – designed specifically to enhance the effect of your distance healing, this meditation guides you through relaxation and healing and you can use it as often as you like.

Guided Path-working  – a guided meditation, offering the opportunity for deeper relaxation. Each path-working takes you on a journey of self-exploration, where you are guided to gain deep inner knowledge and inspiration.

There are also more Guided Meditations, Visualisations and Pathworkings available in the Store.