Cutting The Cord Which Binds You

 Every encounter with another living being creates a connection.  Mostly, those connections are not too strong or damaging.  When doing any form of spiritual work I like to gently end that energy connection, as a matter of self-protection and to ensure my energy isn't inadvertantly drained by the other person.  Occasionally we create a bond which is damaging, unhealthy or unwanted and try as we might, the other person remains, on some level firmly attached.  It is not always one way either - we can hang on to these connections ourselves, unconsciously not wanting to be free.  Eventually, it reaches a point where we either recognise it is time to release the energy, or we start to experience unwanted emotionally effects and are guided to cut the cord.

As with every process I share with you, your intent to make the change is absolutely essential. You may experience emotional releases, anger, sadness or joy, or not. There are no "right" ways to feel - whatever your experience, it is right for you.

  • Sit or lay down comfortably, somewhere you feel safe and won't be disturbed.
  •  Take some time to completely relax, focussing on your natural breathing patterns.
  •  Start to visualise the person you have an unwanted attachment to, connected to you by a cord. (The colour will depend on the nature of the relationship, and you own imagination.)
  • In your mind, explain to this person that you wish them well, but it is time for them to go, with love, and release you from the bond between you. (You may have a conversation in your mind, or simply a feeling that they are ready for the release.)
  • Focus your intent on removing the bond between you, releasing them with loving intent.
  • The fun part! Call upon a higher authority to come and cut the cord which binds you. Perhaps Archangel Michael, with his mighty sword; a guide or mentor with a sacred knife or golden scissors or do it yourself with a sacred tool of your choice. Your imagination can guide you here, just maintain focussed intent on a separation taking place.
  • Release the other person with love. Wish them light and joy, and allow them to release you.
  • Confirm to yourself that the work is done.
  • Relax for as long as you need before gently returning to the rest of your day.